Jerry The Pet Sitter

Once upon a time I used to be a graphic artist who did a bit of pet sitting on the side. These days I’m a pet sitter who does a bit of graphic art on the side. Watching my little pet sitting side hustle grow into a nifty little business has been an unexpected joy. 

I truly enjoy spending time with all animals. I’ve done it all from walking big dogs, small dogs, rescue dogs, puppies and oldies. I’ve taken care of cats, birds, chooks, horses, lizards, and rats. I’ve transported pets, administered meds, cared for special needs pets, and many things in between. 

If you have any questions regarding my pet sitting and/or dog walking services, just click on this link to be re-directed to my pet sitting website and hopefully I’ll be able to help out in some way.

You can also follow my animal related adventures on Facebook and Instagram if you are so inclined.



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